EOTO & Trial 3- Reaction Post

 Pro-slavery EOTO:

  • Abby A- The movie The Birth of a Nation talks about the difference between black and white citizens in the USA and how the movie's depiction of segregation puts black people into a violent and negative light, while the white citizens tend to stay more innocent and victimized. The film caused an uproar because of how much it caused the rise of the KKK in America. 

  • Evan- The rise of the KKK came from the movie talked about previously, but this time they were making it more organized and successful. The KKK beliefs came off of the idea that the land belongs to the owners and the slaves who work in the land don't deserve the title of human. 

  • Ariel- Sundown towns were towns where there were high amounts of people migrating to receive more equal rights by moving to more liberal states. This caused a huge issue because most of the people were caught and were punished for trying to leave which caused a huge issue with trying to gain equal rights for all citizens. 

  • Lindsay- The bombing that took place on 16th street church caused a death in 4 black girls which caused a huge issue in segregation. The bombers decided this is how they were going to take action to stand for segregation. This however ultimately backfired because there were many protests and the news became international and caused the USA reputation to suffer. They became symbols for equal rights because of how innocent lives have been lost due to this horrific event. 

  • Lynx- Emmett Till was killed at 14 after being accused of violating a white woman in a grocery store. The husband of the wife found out that he was “violating” her and he kidnapped, beat and shot this young boy to serve justice. This caused an uproar in the media because it wasn't until later when it was discovered that these events are not true. 

  • Kasen- The Mississippi burning involved the death of three men who were investigating a church burning. Later that night, KKK members were following the three men after their release from jail and those men were never heard from again. The bodies were found many months later, death caused by gunshots and beating. This caused the case to reopen and the KKK was arrested for the death of three men.

Anti-slavery EOTO: 

  • Hudson- The great migration was a positive way for former slaves to get relocated from the south to gain more rights out of the south. This benefited not only the black citizens, but also the economy as the land was being broadened and it was able to escape the Jim Crow laws. The level of education also increased and the money improved which was a huge push towards a better America.

  • Clara- The integration of the armed forces was when black citizens were now able to fight in the army. This caused a difference in the Korean War because now this opened up the floor to many more people being able to fight in the army. President Truman made the change and a speech to end segregation in the army before the end of the Korean War. 

  • Sam- Jackie Robinson was a remarkable athlete who was the first black American to play baseball in the national game. The stands were still segregated, but on the field, Robinson was playing as well as the white athletes during the Jim Crow era which made a stand in equal rights. This was a huge step for not only black citizens, but also athletes who will no longer be discriminated against for their skin color, but rather their talent. 

  • Joey- The renaissance was a beautiful part of the aesthetic era in America. This was also a way for the African Americans to express themselves and their culture while still being treated as citizens of the USA. This brought attention to the different art and culture of the African Americans which was beneficial to the economics and education for America. 

  • Julia- The NAACP was the biggest national equal rights organization in the country. This was moving towards the reconstruction era where we learned about the equal rights between citizens for voting, court, education and more. This was a huge step in the better diffraction as this gained national traction and started to cause nationwide collaboration. UNCF was a college fund program for the African American students who needed help paying for college. This became an issue because the education for blacks was now becoming better, so they had to start providing aid to those who go to college

Brown v Board of Education: Brown 

  • Kayla- After WWII, the country was heading towards a better era with technology and economically, which the African Americans are helping with. This caused the Separate but Equal doctrine which is causing a huge issue within the education for black children. 

  • Gabbie- The children are not being treated equally which is not fair to force children to have to look down at each other and have to listen to the lies their parents are telling them. 

  • Josh- God has created all of us to be equal and therefore we should treat each person as if they are. It is an insult to God to discriminate against his creations and frown upon his people he has made. Segregation in schools is causing issues in children not accepting each other as God's creations. 

  • Grace Ann- Separate but Equal doctrine is wrong ethically and economically. The schools, transportation and water fountains are not being resourceful in terms of having to double everything for the white and black students. This money could be used towards other and more important things, such as the military and retirement. 

  • Brad- Segregation in schools is ethically wrong because of the 14th Amendment and Plessy v Ferguson. Separate but equal cannot be a real excuse because it's clearly still favoring one race over the other, which is in violation of the 14th Amendment. The black students are not receiving the equal education they deserve. 

Brown v Board of Education: Board of Education 

  • Lindsey- The Separate but Equal doctrine was justified in terms of the law, because they were still able to segregate schools. This caused a divide in America which did not help benefit the case. However, in the eyes of the law, segregated schools are beneficial and are legal. 

  • Jonathan- The gap between black and white students would cause a decrease in progress because of how much more educated the white students are. The black students might not feel able to catch up and dumber than the white students, this problem would be less noticeable if the schools stayed segregated. 

  • Abby E- There is no law saying that the segregated schools were not legal. Although it may not seem lawful, there were still no ways for these cases to go up to the supreme court because of how there's no law against them. 

  • Elliott- Segregation in schools is legal and constitutional. What the fuck is happening right now.


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