EOTO & Trial 4- Reaction post
EOTO Negative team
Grace Ann: Assassination of MLK was a devastating loss in the American American community. He was a huge motivational speaker and many people looked up to him and respected him. He is still talked about to this day and we very much miss him dearly.
Josh: The death of Kennedy was a devastating loss by all Americans. He had not been elected president and thought all Americans were in support of him so the assassination was a huge surprise and it divided the country greatly.
Max: Malcolm X was a man who committed many crimes in his time and spent time in jail where he adopted the name Malcolm X. He was assassinated in 1965 during a speech and was pronounced dead while arriving at the hospital. This was a huge controversy because of his werry support of MLK.
Kayla: A white man and black women got married and because of that, were arrested in the middle of the night. This marriage was illegal because of mixed race marriage and they ended up leaving the state of Virginia. The women wrote a letter to congress to legalize mixed race marriage and not be thrown in jail for mixed marriage. In 1967, the state of Virginia had violated the 14th Amendment by throwing these two people in jail.
Brad: Redlining is the process of buying a house and how this was affected by the Great Depression. They didn't have enough money to buy houses and the banks did not want to lose money so the main bank thing gave them money back. This caused an issue when there were red lines around houses that were owned by Black people.
Gabbie: The Boston bus riots were caused by segregated buses for schools. There were white people protesting the segregated buses, and white people came to throw rocks and more at the black students.

Bakke v California- California
Ariel: MLK had a dream that we would all be equal, and this case is starting to diminish that dream in the University of California. AFter the voting acts right was passed, there were more opportunities given to the minorities who are affected by these rights and laws against them. There were more opportunities for minorities to go to school and college thanks to the Affirmative Action.
Lynx: Affirmative Action is necessary for everyone to be accepted into colleges of their choice, the jobs they wish and more. Racial Quotas are not helping the families who are not white rich citizens. This is a way for minorities to get the opportunities they very much deserve.
Kasen: Race is necessary to think about when accepting kids into college because of how important mixing races is. College is a great opportunity to meet new people, especially those who are from the same background as them. The likelihood of kids getting into college is a very hard thing, especially for the children who are more underrepresented in society.
Lindsey: The University of California is in support of economic growth and is being impacted by African American students. Affirmative Action is helping the underrepresented people in our society so they may be given the same opportunity as the richer people in society. African Americans deserve the equal opportunities as those who received college acceptance letters easily. This causes a gain in economic growth because of the higher amount of tuition being paid.
Abby: The 14th Amendment is being greatly affected by this case that is causing a divide in the country. This country was made on the basis that all men are created equal and therefore, slavery and all discrimination is unamerican. The separate but equal clause is no longer being exercised which is important for the reason that colleges cannot discriminate against race for acceptances.

Bakke v California- Bakke
Hudson: The assassination of MLK was a huge devastation in America because of how much he affected the fight for equal rights. The post assassination world was much different because of how he fought for rights in colleges and that is no longer being supported by the University of California.
Julia: The term Affirmative Action is not positive because of how its structure is falling on itself. This term is also considered to be racist because of how it separates the people who are being discriminated against. The colleges are beginning to accept students based on race which is not being positive towards Affirmative Actions.
Sam: Quotas are unnecessary for students who are applying for college. There should be no term of Affirmative Action or Quotas because of how there is no way that schools and workplaces aren't being picky with who they are. All students should be given the same opportunities without quotas or the term affirmative action helping them.
Clara: Affirmative action has more cons than pros. The unintended negative actions are forms of bias which can cause a reverse of discrimination. This can cause a mix of education and abilities to be in the same workplace or schools.

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