EOTO & Trail 3- Brown v Board of Education

 In 1865, The 13th Amendment was passed. This Amendment freed all slaves and was a step in the direction towards equal rights. However, we are far from equal rights in this country due to the Separate but Equal doctrine that keeps us equal, but segregates us as a whole. I'm here today to tell you all why this is important for the upbringing of white and black children. 

To begin, we must understand the difference between how our children were brought up. White neighborhoods have been sufficiently more healthy and had less behavioral problems then that of a black neighborhood. This is because the black children have been brought up in poorer areas which caused exposure to violence and bacteria was higher than that of the white children. This is why we need to keep these neighborhoods separated to ensure the health and safety of our community. 

Another benefit of keeping the children separated is the fact that the black children wouldn't be able to play with toys of their own color. African American dolls have not been introduced to stores and therefore the only dolls and toys the children can play with are white. Therefore, these white children who are playing with dolls of their own skin tone won't feel uncomfortable playing with dolls not of their own skin tone. This is also a huge way to introduce the idea of culture to the black children who are exposed to the white dolls. 

Furthermore, this segregation is crucial to the upbringing of our kids because of how it would affect their future education. The white children who are receiving education benefits are more likely to get into a good college and continue to pursue their education, versus a black child who most likely will only be able to graduate high school. This is a huge downfall for the economy in poor areas, but is able to keep the colleges and high schools properly funded with the money from the richer white neighborhoods. The poorer areas who cannot afford to keep their children in school will suffer the decline of education in our youth, but will still be able to receive some form of school. 

In conclusion, we need to keep our youths segregated because it not only benefits the community, but ourselves. We cannot be exposed to such horrific violence and sickness that would cause the decline of population in our youth. It's also helping keep the education and culture shock where it should be in regards to exposing our children. Thank you. 





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