EOTO & Trial 1- State V Mann

 The year is 1829 and we are currently faced with a situation that is not relevant to the times. America is currently moving towards the abolishment movement, and we need to think of the future instead of dragging the past out. Slavery is mainly an issue in the south, but it has decreased by quite a bit. A lot of other countries have ended slavery and have become a refuge for enslaved Americans, like Mexico. The movement has started to intrigue some Northerns which have encouraged many slave owners in the south. 

There's now a big divide between the southern and northern states with slavery rights. Many slaves are now escaping to the north where they would gain more rights. Since the southern slave owners believe they own the slaves and treat them like property. The issue with this is how the improper treatment of slaves would raise concern for how their other “property” is treated. Everyone here claims that they are superior to their slaves and that gives them the right to rape, beat, and yell at their slaves, but that means they are mistreating their property and dont deserve to own slaves. 

The country is currently facing a divide between the ownerships of slaves in between the states in the north and south. This country is heading towards an abolishment movement which means the currently owned slaves would gain rights and would no longer be owned. Therefore the fight to not owe $10 is not going to be a valid argument in the next few years. So you are all on the wrong side of history in terms of arguments for white rights. 

As we progress into the future of America, we have to understand the relationship between the slaves and slave owners. Most of the slaves at this point became part of the family and would help raise and support the white children. Therefore, the progression of slave treatment is now being pulled into the direction of abolishment, even in the south. The poor reaction and treatment of miss Lydia was uncalled for and therefore the fine was necessary. We will never understand the true events that were uphold, because abuse of a rented slave is considered assault and battery, therefore a fine is normal protocol and if roles were reversed, the fine would be the same.





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